Monday, 14 July 2014

Brain Training Starters Guide

Brain Training Starters Guide

Brain Training : What Is A Relational Skill?

A relational skill is a skill involved in understanding the relationship between things in the world.
Understanding the relationships between a set of cousins, or understanding that a particular group of plants are all of the same kind (e.g., flowers), or understanding that a Poodle is a type of dog but a
dog is not a type of poodle, are all examples of basic relational skills. But of course, they get more complicated than this. The relational skills you need to understand high level mathematics or to
read and speak well, are more advanced skills. SMART brain training teaches a range of basic but crucial relational skills and brings your relational skills to expert levels, so that all intellectual tasks come easier. SMART brain training makes you a faster and better learner,it helps new information make more sense, and helps you think more clearly.


Why Is SMART “Brain Training” different?

SMART is not like any other form of brain training, and at RaiseYourIQ we use the term "brain skills
training" , or a behavioural training course. SMART Brain Training has been developed by education leaders and published psychologists following over ten years research in schools and university. SMART Brain Training does not work by merely improving working memory or teaching users how to perform well on IQ tests.  Instead, our SMART brain training course teaches the fundamental cognitive skills necessary to improve learning and reasoning in school,business and in everyday life.
SMART Brain Training enhances the entire intellectual skill set.

Some brain training "games"just focus on working memory, the SMART Brain Training course (we want our users to see this as an educational course with real world benefits) covers the 4 key areas of "Intellectual Performance"

(1). Verbal Comprehension -improve ability to listen to a question and draw upon learned information

(2). Perceptual Reasoning - improve ability to examine a problem, organize thoughts, create solutions, and then test them

(3). Processing Speed - increase attention to quickly scan, discriminate between and order
visual information

(4). Working Memory - increase the ability to memorize new information, hold it in short-term memory and concentrate

Take a Free trial and Free Assessment to judge for yourself. Brain Training Free
The first module is 100% free and no credit card is required.

What Does Brain Training Involve?
The SMART brain training course from RaiseYourIQ is divided into levels with blocks of questions. The course involves teaching the user how to answer blocks of logical questions, first with feedback – and then on their own without any help. There is 30 seconds to answer each question. During training blocks we tell you whether or not your answer is correct. During test blocks you need to answer all of the questions on your own. Once you pass a test, you move on to the next level. You progress like this through the levels, collecting points as you go. You even get bonus points for revising stages you have passed before, because the more you revise the smarter your brain will get. The course should take between three to six months to complete.

Is SMART Brain Training for Kids and Adults the same?
The brain training methods in both SMART Kids and SMART Adult are the same. However the SMART brain training course for children has backgrounds and animated characters that make it a lot more fun learning experience for children and big kids.Regardless of whether you want to raise your IQ for school,business or personal development, the SMART brain training course should take between 3 and 6 months to complete.

What age group can benefit from SMART brain training?
At RaiseYourIQ we recommend that a person needs to have a mental age of at least 8 years of age to be able to engage fully with SMART brain training. There is no upper limit – older adults will benefit from the training, just as young people will. SMART brain training will help keep you at your peak mental performance, whatever your age or profession.

Is there a Brain Training Free Trial Option?
Yes. Our brain training free trial which includes a free assessment does not need any credit card details. Signing up could not be easier. Simply click on the “get started” button, fill in some details that we will ask you for, and that is it. Start raising your IQ today.Brain Training Free Trial

Brain Training Starters Guide - Frequently Asked Questions

Friday, 11 July 2014

Free Brain Training Teasers

Download or view online these free brain training teasers. The quustions add up to a brain training free lesson that can help improve your IQ.

The team at are truly passionate about improving the intelligence
levels of all people so these free brain training teasers are a great
introduction for kids or adults to challenging your brain to be smarter
and fitter. Download the brain training lesson below, it is completely
free, no email or sign up required and we hope these lessons will be
useful to teachers, parents, kids, adults, in fact anyone who cares to
reach their reaching their intellectual potential. The brain training
free lessons is a .pdf file containing a series of brain exercises that
you can do at home, while relaxing, in a classroom or maybe even as a
team building exercise!

To get started to improving your brain health, simply download the
lessons and print it off or view it on your mobile device. The lesson
consists of a series of scientifically developed brain-teasers that you
can try to solve wherever and whenever it suits. While this free brain
training should be fun, every teaser is scientifically designed to
improve your intelligence and we encourage you work on each one in
sequence and practice regularly in order to experience some IQ gains.

If you are interested in further improving your brain health and
fitness, you can get more brain training free lessons online, just sign
up for a free trial (again no credit card required) at
RaiseYourIQ is the only scientifically proven brain training course to raise your IQ by 20-30 points.

Download the lessons now and get your brain fitter with some free SMART brain training from  Free Brain Traning

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Brain Training Questions From RaiseYourIQ

Brain Training Questions From RaiseYourIQ

Below are some train training questions from the RaiseYourIQ website.

Is brain training just for doing IQ tests?

No. Brain training is about giving you
the skills to learn better whether for school,business or
professionally. Nothing in the RaiseYourIQ brain training course looks
anything like a question on an IQ test, and we focus on training our
users in the relational skills they will need in order to think more
intelligently. However, our users experience dramatic IQ rises after
completing our SMART brain training course, because they are better able
to understand and answer complex logical questions of any type whether
for education,business or life learning.

How long does it take to complete the brain training course?

You should target to complete the brain
training course in a three to six month time-frame depending on your
schedule and progress. Think of our brain training program as you would
any education or skills improvement course. The RaiseYourIQ SMART brain
training course has been designed by our psychologists and educational
team as an educational skills program. RaiseYourIQ platform includes IQ
assessments,feedback and measuring your progress from start to finish.

SMART brain training teaches people how to learn.

We help our students to complete the course, improve their IQ levels
and bring this new found brain health into their everyday lives; be it
for work,school or self improvement. The first 15 stages are absolutely
free with no credit card required plus it also includes the free
assessment to check your current IQ level.
Click to start your Brain Training Free Trial

SMART brain training for intellectual improvement

The SMART brain training course teaches
core relational skills across modules that will improve the user's
skills in;- Using vocabulary
- Understanding word meaning
- Grasping basic and advanced logic
- Remembering information
- Using numbers for mathematics

Will I be learning maths or reading if I sign up for SMART?

No! SMART brain training is a problem
solving course involving a series of games – the problems are short and
logical. What SMART does is teach you how to learn and how to think
clearly and logically. We don’t actually teach you any information about
maths or anything else!. But SMART makes learning and understanding
everything much easier.

Can my gifted child benefit from SMART?

Gifted children often present with as
many difficulties as children with lower than average IQ's because
typical education systems are targeted at the average range individual.
So while a gifted child may already have a very high level of
intellectual skills, they may not be expert at organizing their
knowledge, at sequencing information or at sustaining attention for long
periods of time. Thus they may be able to provide accurate answers,
but they may not always be able to provide these answers quickly and
succinctly. SMART trains the user in a range of key intellectual skills
to a very high level of precision and speed, thus making even a gifted
child more fluent at responding to the challenges in their environment.

How can I contact RaiseYourIQ?

If you cannot find an answer to your
brain training questions the quickest way to get a response is the form
on the contact us page. Please note that we cannot answer questions
regarding individual psychological conditions or learning profiles or
offer any kind of psychological advice on line. Please consult your
local psychological services if you need guidance on learning
disabilities, require psychological assessments and to understand how
RaiseYourIQ could benefit. Contact RaiseYourIQ

Why increase my intelligence or IQ?

Intelligence is defined at the ability
to learn, understand and make judgments or have opinions that are based
on reason. Being intelligent means having the ability to acquire and use
knowledge for solving problems and adapting to the world. IQ is simply
the unit of measure for expressing the results of intelligence tests.
Specifically, IQ is the ratio of a subject’s mental age (as determined
by their performance on an intelligence scale) and chronological age.
There are many types of intelligence, but only standard IQ predicts your
success at school and in work. In fact people with higher IQ scores
complete more years in school and have higher status jobs. Recent
research has also found that people with higher IQs are also happier and
healthier. While you do not need to have a high IQ for its own sake,
improving your intellectual ability will help you deal more effectively
with school and work challenges, as well as make decisions and solve
everyday problems more easily.

Why do you ask profile questions?

It is very important that we ask our
customers to provide certain information that will help us to provide
the best possible training service. Remember, the SMART Brain Training
course is tailored to each user, so without your profile information we
cannot deliver the most effective training for you, and we cannot
improve our services and products for other users. You can alter your
profile at any stage by choosing from the drop down menu under the
Account link at the top of the RaiseYourIQ home page.

Is it really possible to increase intelligence?

We were once told that intelligence or
IQ was fixed for life. However, years of research by doctors and
psychologists has lead to the discovery of the importance of relational
skills to intelligence and it took several more years to by scientists
to figure out how best to teach these skills. Today we know that IQ can
in fact be increased by quite a degree. There have also been
considerable advances in neuroscience in recent years, that have led
psychologists to conclude that the brain itself can be made “fitter”
with training and can respond and adapt to improved learning
opportunities. Even leading authorities, such as Professor Robert
Sternberg, now agree that IQ can be raised.


Brain Training Questions - Frequently Asked Questions

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Brain Training Games for Kids

Brain training games can teach kids how to learn. However, the brain training games are only benifical if the content and material behind them actually helps the kids to learn more or raise their IQ.Today, a parent can find brain training courses delivered in schools and online  to help kids and students learn better and achieve more.

The RaiseYourIQ intellectual skills intervention is called SMARTtraining (Strengthening Mental Abilities with Relational Training). This scientific developed brain training is content free. A RaiseYourIQ course does not teachstudents content that they can use in a school examinations (e.g., math or histroy). What our online course DOES teach children is all the foundational reasoning skills crucial to vocabulary acquisition and mathematical reasoning in the brain. In effect, SMART training gives children and students the tools to learn and reason more effectively. Moreover RaiseYourIQ brain training bridges the deficits in these skills bases that not only cannot be taught at school efficiently without extensive one-to-one assistance, but can even help children to catch up to and even surpass the population average in intellectual ability. This is the springboard from which future learning then occurs in all of us.

RaiseYourIQ SMART training is based on Relational Training and all the course material has been developed in house by our own psychologists and education leaders who are well published in the field of education intervention.

Did you know that everyday, parents and teachers teach children relational skills routinely without even knowing it. For example, parents inadvertently teach young children the concept of “sameness” in normal language interaction. To be more specific, a parent will not just teach a child one word for a television set, they may in fact use two. On one occasion they may refer to it as the “tv” and on another as “the box”. The child will have to be explicitly told in the early years that given this information, “TV” and “box” refer to the same thing. Any confusion shown by the child is met with assurance from the parent that whenever two words are used for the same thing – those two words have the same meaning as each other. This is just one way in which a child learns to understand what “same” means and how “same” relations can be derived across multiple words and objects in logical ways. This in essence is a skill required for vocabulary expansion. If it were not for this skill, each and every word in the child’s vocabulary would have to be taught individually and related to each other word individually (imagine having to remember billions of individual learning tasks).

SMART brain training is a tool that can aid in every kids development because it removes barriers to education and the reaching of their potential. RaiseYourIQ leaves the supposed "maximum IQ" in the rear view mirror. Everyday we help not just of children with borderline and mild learning difficulties, but all children to learn reasoning skills and strengthen their mental abilities with relational training.

 For more information visit us at Scientifically Developed Intellectual Skills Training